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Error, CDB_Header checksum did not match. - Printable Version

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Error, CDB_Header checksum did not match. - cpuandnet - 01-28-2023

Is anyone else also getting error CDB_Header checksum did not match using the latest LiveCloud toolkit (2.7.8).  I've even tried creating a blank test project from LCM and opening it in LiveCode without any modifications and I still get the error.  I'm using LiveCode Win 9.6.8.

Thank you,


RE: Error, CDB_Header checksum did not match. - mark_talluto - 01-31-2023

Hi Tim,

I am sorry about that. We are in the process of pushing an update. We should have it all back in order soon.


RE: Error, CDB_Header checksum did not match. - mark_talluto - 02-01-2023

We have one remaining bug that should be fixed today.

We refactored how we work with authKeys. This change had quite a few touchpoints in LiveCloud Manager.

The result is we should be able to push library updates in the future more easily.


RE: Error, CDB_Header checksum did not match. - mark_talluto - 02-01-2023

I am happy to report that the update has been completed. You can export our toolKit once again.


RE: Error, CDB_Header checksum did not match. - cpuandnet - 02-01-2023

Thank you, Mark. It did indeed fix it.
