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Allow users to change their password?
Hi Mark and liveCloud team 

Please accept my apologies if I missed this in the documentation - is there method for changing a user's password?

Thanks to a nice forum post from Mark, i saw there was an internal method (not mentioned in the documentation) to allow users to reset their account with a random string, but my users will want to change this to one they will remember after logging in...

I can't see a way to hash the new password provided by a user to update the cdbUsers record with the hashed version. Although i'm not sure, i don't imagine cdb_updateUserAccount would do this automatically.

As far as i can see, the only way to do this would be to get the existing cdbUser's data, delete the entry and and create a new user with the update password, which seems a faff, not to mention time-consuming function...

Is there a better way of doing this? (or will cdb_updateUserAccount do this automatically?)

Many thanks in advance,

Messages In This Thread
Allow users to change their password? - by stamatis - 07-03-2021, 05:32 PM

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