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cdb_Update for numeric and calculated data
Hi Mark

Thank you. It would be great if you could implement No1 . then let me know.

you see, if you create an operator and numeric based API it would solve this problem , This will only work on fields with numbers in them, so you would have to designate the field in LCM as such, much like you designate a BLOB field.

so the API will only be able to do a calculation (add or subtract) on the number in the field, for instance, add or subtract a number specified in the API from whatever the value is in the field

Basically this is the whole basis on any financial system, and why most systems fail horribly when it comes to correct qtyonhands. The sync sytems fail and thats why people are stuck with local client/server based systems

The solution is very simple , only allow addition and subtraction operators in a specifically designed API and only allow numbers in the field the API effects. Unfortunately most database systems don't have this, because programmers think the best solution is the most flexible one..and don't build in a restrictive API like this.

My suggestion is to leave cbd_update and create a new one called cdb_calcUpdate....or something

This way even if multiple people hit the record and the system just adds or subtracts to the total, It won't matter who wins the update.,the exception being if theres a divide or multiply operator in the calculation...which hardly ever happens except in reporting instances. The use for this sort of thing (just the add and subtract) is huge, for example, if you selling girl scout cookies and give each scout an app to track what they sold , and to subtract from the stock they have baked, this will be useful. Some may run out of data or whatever and will only connect once they get back home...so the data will still be correct.

I can think of a whole lot more examples and I hope you can fast track this feature.

The beauty of livecloud is the sync and the simplicity .

Let me know if you guys will do this soon, then I don't have to attempt to program in a complicated local 'Moves table' that basically will have to cron the calculations at the end of the day. Its a shit way to do it. A potential Fubar .snafu situation for sure.

Thanks for a great product and the instant feedback and help from your team. Its been a great journey for me with livecloud.


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RE: cdb_Update for numeric and calculated data - by sid - 02-23-2020, 08:32 PM

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