Thanks Efrain
Ok, this is all coming together and making sense
Appreciate the assist
Hi Guys
One more question regarding DataGrids and livecloud .
If we want to combine 2 queries from 2 seperate tables where there is an identical key on each would one do this?
so you would end up with basically 2 livecloud arrays that have been put into 2 separate local variables (originating from 2 separate queries on 2 different tables) . the 2 arrays have a common key, such as you want to put the common key 'ProductCode' and the other keys from both the table queries into one datagrid.
this will be a cool example and very useful to everyone
Would appreciate the assist. Thanks in advance Efrain
Hi Efrain
Thanks man. You understood the question perfectly.
this will help a lot
Hi Guys
3 code sample requests that will be invaluable for people reading this forum
Request 1 :Could you help with a code sample to create new records from a datagrid into livecloud please? So Basically you just take each column in the datagrid and create a record in the livecloud table.
each row of the datagrid will correspond to a livecode key.
Request 2 :Also batch updating records that are in a datagrid where 1 key is is common to records in the table you are updating (in the absence of the cdbRecordID row) for example, you have a key called "code" which you want to use to figure out the records that need updating.
Request 3: Batch Updating tables from a grid where the cdbRecordID exists and is a named column in the datagrid. So here you just want to update records that already exist in a datagrid .
Basically its the opposite of reading data and putting it into a datagrid. The Ying to the Yang...
Will appreciate the assist. Request 1 being the most important