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RESTapi for livecloud
My customer considerations using LiveCloud is the limited RestApi so it will be difficult to connect some of the services we have built.
I hope this can be a feature.

Hi Miyaa,

You deserve the most accurate information possible so you can make the right decisions for your business. I would love to be able to build out full REST support for LiveCloud.

At the moment, we do not have the bandwidth to do so. Our team is working diligently on Appli. Our focus on Appli has allowed us to set an aggressive release schedule.

This is not to say that we have not been improving CanelaDB. We are working on it in conjunction with Appli. As we find things missing features or bugs, we are working on them in parallel.

We will return to this topic down the road because interoperability is essential. Appli is going to need these features as well.


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