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  Upgrading Regions LON and SFO
Posted by: mark_talluto - 04-25-2022, 03:02 AM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

Hi Everyone,

We are upgrading London and San Francisco regions tonight. We expect the downtime to be minimal. 

Each region will take about 5 minutes to upgrade.

We are adding more capacity for these two popular regions to handle the extra load of Appli users coming on board. 

If you have any questions, please let us know.


  Android and Ios
Posted by: philippecoenen - 02-14-2022, 09:59 AM - Forum: General - Replies (1)


Can I safely develop my app on windows then create standalone for IOs and Android?
(I have a mac for the mac and IOs versions)
Will this work?

I thank you for your answer already,


Question Immutable columns in user table?
Posted by: mkakeshyft_tom - 02-01-2022, 10:54 PM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

Hello Canela team,

I would like to know which of the columns in the user table are immutable and will never ever change under any circumstance.



  Canela Holiday Break
Posted by: mark_talluto - 12-16-2021, 01:50 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (2)

Canela wishes all of you a very restful and enjoyable holiday. We will be off from December 24th through January 7th. 

I'll be around in the forums should anyone have an emergency. Otherwise, we look forward to a very exciting 2022 with all of you. Thanks for all of your support this year. 

- Canela Team

  Weird missing file...
Posted by: stamatis - 12-07-2021, 08:03 AM - Forum: General - Replies (13)

Hi all,
not sure if this is something to do with internal housekeeping with LiveCloud...

I've added a small custom library to the /CanelaDB/libraries/ folder to manage the initialising code no matter the location of this directory, which works well for my purposes. 

Only, on occasion the stack file simply disappears!? (ie the above directory will suddenly only contain the 2 canelaDB libraries). 
Not offloaded to cloud - just gone.
There is absolutely nothing in my stack that would delete any file and I've not encountered this behaviour on Mac at any point in the last 30+ years...
In fact i now keep a copy of this little lib in the parent directory (all of these are in a writeable location) to keep copying it back to /CanelaDB/libraries/. This extra file never disappears, so it's unlikely to be a Mac thing.

So i have to ask - is this some internal housekeeping thing by liveCloud? Should i not be keeping other files in this directory?

Many thanks

-- edit: i should note this happens in the IDE only, i've not tested with standalones; IDE is 9.6.5 (stable) and OS is MacOS Monterey 12.0.1. LiveCloud libraries are the most up-to-date at this point in time.

  Error, CDB_Header checksum did not match.
Posted by: JereMiami - 11-30-2021, 10:33 AM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

On occasion, my stack will be unable to locate the libraries after a save and/or test on an android device. When I close the stack and reopen it, I will receive "Error, CDB_Header checksum did not match" from the "csi_verifyLibraries" command.  It doesn't happen very often. Maybe once a month.

I am quite certain I have resolved this issue before either by (1) exporting the toolkit and moving the existing stack into that new folder, or (2) creating a new project and replacing the existing stack over the new "login" stack. However, either I am forgetting something or something may have changed. So I thought I would ask a couple of questions for myself and anyone else geting this error because this often turns into a rather large time eating problem.

1) How can I fix this? Neither of the usual methods worked (i.e., export toolkit and/or create project). 

2) What causes this and how can I avoid this from happening in the future?    

Thanks so much in advance!

  MacOS 12.0.1 Monterey?
Posted by: stamatis - 11-09-2021, 09:57 AM - Forum: General - Replies (11)

Hi All,

since upgrading to MacOS 12.0.1 Monterey, i've been unable to run LiveCloudManager - it hangs on every single startup.
I've already reached out to Mark and the Canela team, but apparently no one has reported issues.

Is anyone running LCM on Monterey? (i.e. is it just me!?)

Many thanks

  Error when saving a standalone...
Posted by: philippecoenen - 10-28-2021, 09:12 AM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

Hi, I have an error when I try to save a standalone.

"We encountered an error while initializing CanelaDB:


I have included what I think is needed for the build...
Did I miss something?

Can you help with this?

I thank you already,


  Methods for integrating cdbUsers table with stored user content
Posted by: mark_talluto - 10-27-2021, 11:05 PM - Forum: Code Samples - No Replies

Once in a while, we will provide support via email. I want to share that experience with everyone with the hope that others will benefit. When this happens, We'll leave out the person's name.

On to the question:
I've never really done nosql, was always able to query specific records against a user_id.
I want a quick way to save and query all of a user's records in this nosql way.

Do you see any limits or problems with creating a table for each user? and place all their data there?

I know for low numbers of user's thats not a big deal.
How about 10,000 tables?

The response:
There is always more than one way to model your data.

Method 1
You could use your cdbRecordID (primary key) for each user in the cdbUsers table as a linking key (foreign key) to records in another table.

cdbUsers table
Record 1: [a2ad3bc9-8ef8-4c36-9c4d-00d109600cd9] [Marco] [Polo]

someDataTable that contains data for all of your users
Record 34545 [0a43839f-ad5c-4089-a864-c6bfa10942be] [a2ad3bc9-8ef8-4c36-9c4d-00d109600cd9] [import] [data] [in] [these] [columns]


//Untested come code that should work:
local tOutputA, tRecordID
put cdb_query("email","=","marco@polo.com","cdbUsers","cloud","recordData") into tOutputA
put tOutputA["cdb"]["cdbRecordID"] into tRecordID

local tOutputA
put cdb_query("userForeignKey","=",tRecordID,"someDataTable","cloud","recordData") into tOutputA

//tOutputA will contain an array that for every record in the 'someDataTable' table that is related to your user. 
//For this to work, every commit to this table needs you to include the foreign key value in each record for every user.
//Since the user is probably authenticated, you can get this value one time during their session and use it everywhere you need.

Method 2
You can store the tableID in the cdbUsers table as a foreign key.
The optimization is that you can read on a single table and know that all the data is related to that particular user. You will not need to query a table to find related data. 

I am in favor of this model. The only negative is that a user can not create a table programmatically. It is something we intend to resolve. You could pre-create tables with a developer-signed app programmatically. If you get serious with this method, we can look at a longer-term solution to make this happen. 

You can connect as many tables as you like to a particular user. Just create the foreign key columns in the cdbUsers table to track the tableIDs.

The free account “Mist” and entry level account “Rain" are running on a shared cloud cluster. They are great for developing concepts and low-data consumption apps. They will not work out for you if you plan to have 10k or more users. 

You will want to build a “Storm” account to customize the cluster just for your app. If you have 10k paying customers, our Storm plans are cheap. 

Posted by: Samuele - 10-20-2021, 06:08 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (9)

hello I'm Samuele, i tried to use livecloud but it doesn't work i have put the created folder (by livcloud, with in it database...) in the same folder as the livecode stack file and run livecode but the stacks that are supposed to be there (the libraries ecc.) are not thereany help would be great. thanks!