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  Truncated table names - feature request
Posted by: stamatis - 09-22-2020, 12:43 AM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

Hi LiveCloud team,

I may be missing a way to deal with this, but so far I can't see a way around this: 
Long table names are truncated (which is fine), but there is no way to see long table names in full within the LCM interface after creation. In a previous version, hovering over the table would show a tooltip with the table name concatenated with the tableID, but currently this shows me the tableID only.

The width of the Tables column is fixed. So other than redesigning everything (in this particular case, the table names match array names, which in turn are taken from data exported from a medical system), it relies on me semi-guessing the table name after it's been created.

Solutions could be to make the Table column resizable or have the table name show up in the tooltip again - but actually i am hoping the table name ± tableID could be put into the 'Data' header that sits above the key names as it serves no real purpose (and perhaps make it selectable so that either the name or ID can be copied for scripting etc).

I'm hoping this can be considered as a feature request.

A screenshot to illustrate:

[Image: file]

Many thanks for considering this...

Photo Weird LCM crash/hang at startup
Posted by: stamatis - 09-15-2020, 11:52 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (8)

Ok this hasn't happened before: 

I launch LCM and am first greeted with a missing SDK message in LCM. 
Then it tries to log in without me entering any text and it just hangs indefinitely - but can be quit/exited normally...

easier to show a video of it:
[Image: file]

any suggestions?

  adding a Login Card to an existing Application
Posted by: clarencemartin - 09-11-2020, 07:28 PM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

I struggled with this task, so I created another way of doing this.
This is a two-step process.
The first thing that I did was to create a new project called "Generic Login.
I did not add any keys when I did this. The New Project that was created had only 2 keys - cdbUsers and cdbBlobs. and that was all.
I saved this project.
Now, to incorporate this card into the existing project, I opened LiveCode with the existing project that needed a Login Card.
Next, I opened the Generic Login stack. The next step jus requires that you open the Message Box in LiveCode. Make sure that the Login Card is opened. Type "copy this card to the stack "target stack" 
The Login Card is now loaded into your Project that needs the login Card.
Once the Generic Login Stack is created, you no longer need to do this step. You will always have this stack.
This does not need to be done on a New Project, becuase the LogIn is included in creating a New Project in the LCM.

I am not sure if this is the most efficient method and I am open to suggestions.

  Ongoing issues with server access
Posted by: stamatis - 09-07-2020, 03:26 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Hi LiveCloud team,

I'm based in London and have set LCM's region to UK-London.

Performance had been a bit laggy but acceptable. Recently i've been experimenting with different schemas to see how best to store data for a particular project in LiveCloud and have created 3 different iterations of a table with frequent changes up to now in the schema.

However increasingly i'm getting errors where LCM does not refresh, it fails to add tables and fails to add keys. If i keep persisting it eventually works. Or sometimes requires restarting LCM to work and then it it's starts failing again. I was unable to delete a table that couldn't be modified at all, eventually managed it in code using cdb_deleteTable.

I've checked that all communication is definitely getting through my software firewall (Little Snitch 4.5.2, on MacOS Catalina 10.15.6).

It's started generating error messages advising me i should contact Canela, so here i am...
These errors occur any time i choose one of the tables, try to refresh a table, try to add a key or try to add a table. The errors are not exactly reproducible but seem to be increasing in frequency.
[Image: file]

This error also shows up when trying to add/modify tables
[Image: file]
As a side note, my firewall is flagging up several warnings because the code signature for  LiveCloud Manager is not valid (not signed).

[Image: file]

(FWIW, the 'London' servers are in Maidenhead, a good 30 miles outside London -- I'm sure this isn't an issue, but calling it London is a stretch! Also not sure why it's connecting to servers in LA and Washington...)

In trying to track down the source of error, i checked the console in case LCM output any diagnostics there. It doesn't it seems, but it did generate number of diagnostic logs, generated by the wakeups, apparently averaging 2332 wakeups per second -- not sure what that means, but here is a sample of the log text:
Quote:Date/Time:        2020-09-07 15:29:45 +0100
End time:         2020-09-07 15:30:04 +0100
OS Version:       Mac OS X 10.15.6 (Build 19G2021)
Architecture:     x86_64h
Report Version:   29
Incident Identifier: B1C97FBB-8219-4F5E-A3BE-29672CE9BA66

Data Source:      Microstackshots
Shared Cache:     0x8824000 A58FA787-1403-34AF-813D-C380C25A1080

Command:          LiveCloudManager
Path:             /Applications/LiveCloudManager.app/Contents/MacOS/LiveCloudManager
Identifier:       com.canelasoftware.LiveCloudManager
Version:          LiveCloudManager (LiveCloudManager)
PID:              1559

Event:            wakeups
Action taken:     none
Wakeups:          45001 wakeups over the last 19 seconds (2332 wakeups per second average), exceeding limit of 150 wakeups per second over 300 seconds
Wakeups limit:    45000
Limit duration:   300s
Wakeups caused:   45001
Wakeups duration: 19s
Duration:         19.29s
Duration Sampled: 14.74s
Steps:            3

Hardware model:   MacBookPro13,3
Active cpus:      8

Fan speed:        2158 rpm

Heaviest stack for the target process:
  1  thread_start + 15 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7051) [0x7fff6fbddb8b]
  1  _pthread_start + 148 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 24841) [0x7fff6fbe2109]
  1  tsNetPollThreadRoutine(void*) + 775 (tsNet + 83113) [0x10bb8c4a9]
  1  event_base_loop + 1271 (tsNet + 1526743) [0x10bcecbd7]
  1  poll + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 29654) [0x7fff6fb253d6]

Powerstats for:   LiveCloudManager [1559]
UUID:             BD594B58-8203-4D07-98A5-6A9CB3921BF9
Path:             /Applications/LiveCloudManager.app/Contents/MacOS/LiveCloudManager
Architecture:     x86_64
Footprint:        153.12 MB
Start time:       2020-09-07 15:29:49 +0100
End time:         2020-09-07 15:30:04 +0100
Num samples:      3 (100%)
CPU Time:         0.823s
Primary state:    2 samples Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive, Override 

Is this something to be concerned about?

  Quick question re: primary keys
Posted by: stamatis - 09-06-2020, 02:17 PM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

Hi all,

quick question about primary keys - in particular, creating these. 
I know the standard methods will automatically create primary keys - but is it possible to supply these yourself at record creation?

The scenario i have in mind is that you can generate a set of multidimensional arrays in LiveCode and these would link to each other with primary/foreign keys which i create in LiveCode with UUID(). So far so good.

As far as i can see however there isn't a way to supply these keys to LiveCloud to use in place of the automatically generated cdbRecordID.
Not a major showstopper but does add an unnecessary layer of complexity retrieving records as I'd have to manage a 'PrimaryKey' field on top of the cdbRecordID field...

Unless i'm missing a something major?  Very happy to be corrected Smile

Posted by: stamatis - 08-31-2020, 06:04 PM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

Hi all,

I'm post here having posted the same in the LiveCode forum as well - but this is a better place to do this.
I was wondering about the speed of LiveCloud operations.

I'm based in London and using the London servers. i'm connecting via a very fast WiFi connection (no proxies).
First cdb_ping(*table): 504.756927 ms
Average ping: 139.960051 ms

First cdb_pingNode(*table): 8.497 ms
Average PingNode 6.455 ms

The pingNode seems very respectable, not sure if ping is in the expected range.

I've timed some actions with LiveCloud, by storing 2 different tables in the cloud (21 records each, so quite a small number).
For each of these, there is first a check if a record exists (the premise that data in one or the other table may already exist in the database).

On average it takes about 2.5 seconds per table to store the data in the cloud (average 2476.5 ms). 

Possibly this is due to my algorithm: All data is stored already in a multidimensional array in LiveCode. I build a tInputA array of records to upload with a 'for each' loop

Pseudocode for each table:

local x, tInputA, tOutputA, tKey, tTableID

put cdb_TableID("tableName") into tTableID
Repeat for each element tArray in pArray
  add 1 to x
  put tArray[key1][key2] into tKey
  put cdb_query("keyName","=",tKey,"tableName","cloud","recordList") into tOutputA
  if tOutputA is empty then //this record does not already exist in the table
    put tArray[key1][key2] into tInputA[tTableID][x]["keyName1"]
    put tArray[keyX][keyZ] into  tInputA[tTableID][x]["keyNameX"]
  end if
end repeat
put cdb_batchCreate(tInputA,"cloud") into tOutputA

Keeping in mind that the full data may be >1000 records per table at a time and will involve at least 3 tables, this i suspect may be quite slow -- but not yet tested on large numbers.

Is this expected performance? 
I suspect my code is the culprit, any advice on speeding this up?

  Primary Key (cdbRecordId)
Posted by: stamatis - 08-23-2020, 11:02 AM - Forum: General - Replies (5)

A quick question about primary keys (cdbRecordId):  Is it possible to supply a primary key (in uuid format) rather than have LiveCloud create it? I ask because i have a number of related tables in SQL i'd like to try importing.

If not i'd have to create a fairly complex script that would create a cdbRecordId for the primary table and then have to search/replace this key in all child tables. Would be easier if i could just supply a UUID directly!

  newbie advice
Posted by: stamatis - 08-23-2020, 02:34 AM - Forum: General - Replies (6)

Hi all,
Am just getting familiar with liveCloud and was hoping for some guidance:

1. When creating a record (cdb_create) you specify a target of 'local' or 'cloud'. What is the best practice to ensure 'cloud' data is synced when internet access is interrupted and then restored? Does any cached data survive past quitting and restarting the app?

2. Is it possible to have a local db that syncs with the cloud rather than directly CRUD'ing from the cloud? Cloud access seems very slow (on free version in any case) and i wonder if this may be  way to speed things up.

3. On that note, all example I've tried apps are really quite slow - it takes about 10 secs to load the sample app and sync data and in general any data manipulation seems to take relatively long time giving the impression of a hung app. I imagine this is largely for apps storing data in the cloud. Is there a better practice to speed up access?

I haven't yet actually used liveCloud in any projects (currently SQL based) but investigating this for LiveCode based apps - grateful for any advice/guidance,..

  Version 2.7.0 and 2.7.1 Released
Posted by: mark_talluto - 08-17-2020, 08:37 PM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

Version 2.7.1 is a regression bug fix for 2.7.0.

######## VERSION 2.7.1 (2020/08/17)
News: IMPORTANT CHANGES! Only LCM changes are in this update. Please refer to previous updates to ensure you are current with CanelaDB libraries.
- - - - - - - - - -

Bugfix: projectID was being displayed instead of the projectName in the default from email

######## VERSION 2.7.0 (2020/08/17)
News: IMPORTANT CHANGES! Only LCM changes are in this update. Please refer to previous updates to ensure you are current with CanelaDB libraries.
- - - - - - - - - -

Added: Added ability to update the from email used in emails sent to your users. Right-click on a project and select "Manage Emails" to see the manange emails view. Click on the new "From Email" tab to view or update the from email.

  Version 2.6.9 released
Posted by: mark_talluto - 08-17-2020, 05:57 PM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

######## VERSION 2.6.9 (2020/08/14)
News: IMPORTANT CHANGES! Only LCM changes are in this update. Please refer to previous updates to ensure you are current with CanelaDB libraries.
- - - - - - - - - -

Added: Added date range filter to invoices view in "Billing" tab of "Account" menu.
Added: Added export feature to invoices view to either print or save the current list of invoices as a PDF. (Matthias Rebbe)

The changes to the billing tab are useful for tax season as much as they are useful for general tracking on your expenses.